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2003-03-28 - 9:05 a.m.

Yesterday was awesome. Moss is like the coolest stuff ever. I sat on a moss covered rock in the middle of a stream for a nice long time, then I wandered off a little further and sat on a moss covered tree for a bit. There are little leaf buds everywhere, like little sparks of life, waiting to explode. Theres still a lot of snow on the ground out where the trees are thick. I saw three white-tailed deer and a lot of birds. get me drunk sometime and I'll tell you the story of how I got chased through the woods by an owl one time. I had sushi for lunch AND dinner. Then I saw chicago, which I enjoyed much more than Moulin Rouge, it was kindof a dark comedy actually, and Queen Lahteefa(sp?) is S-E-X-X-Y. Mmm, I could just... Well. I have to go to work today.. Imagine that. So I must cut this short. Today looks at least as beautiful as yesterday though, so I may not be back till after dark.

Favorite song today: Most of the stuff in "Chicago" was pretty cool

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