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2004-04-01 - 11:51 p.m.

I think many people are too picky to experience the casual joys of mediocrity. I recently bought a DVD of a tv show I thought was funny when I was 14. It turns out I don't think its that funny now. It's silly and kind of embarrassing. But I had a long day at work, and I'm tired, and I'm actually looking forward to watching a couple episodes as I fall asleep. Is this a compromise? A waste of time that could be better spent experiencing something that is surely better? No. The search for quality takes up enough time on its own, and when you build up your expectations too high you'll ultimately be dissapointed in the lack of perfection in even your favorite things. The smear of rust of your shining holy grail will drive you insane.

Of course thats total horseshit too. By those rules I could probably watch a "friends" marathon and be satisfied. I do have some standards.

Well, I'm off to bask in my semi-snobbery, my lenient perfectionism.

Horseshit, all of this.

Happy fools day.

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