
James - 2005-02-17 16:34:36
Hi Andy Wade: Reading what you write makes me feel like I'm not just reading an online journal, but I am reading the most wonderful, brilliant, insightful book ever written. I want to be able to hold it in my hands and turn the pages. You have such a handle on this thing called life, and your views of it are so beautiful and right on. A shitty day at my dead-end job was made so, so much better by an hour spent reading your stuff. Remember that post you did about the dressing that smelled bad, and you said the guy you work with was the wisest man you knew? Well, I think YOU are the wisest man I know. love, James
mae - 2005-02-17 23:12:08
you know, i agree. in fact, i printed out a bunch of your entries, just so that i could hold them in my hands and turn the pages. hoorah for andywade!
Smarmy - 2005-02-18 10:40:37
Thanks guys, that means a lot. You should all come over and I'll make cookies.

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